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Create a folder

$ mkdir actions-runner && cd actions-runner# Download the latest runner package $ curl -o actions-runner-osx-x64-2.285.1.tar.gz -L Optional: Validate the hash $ echo "e46c1b305acaffab10a85d417cda804f4721707c85e5353ee3428b385642e6fd actions-runner-osx-x64-2.285.1.tar.gz" | shasum -a 256 -c# Extract the installer $ tar xzf ./actions-runner-osx-x64-2.285.1.tar.gz


Create the runner and start the configuration experience

$ ./ --url 自己仓库 --token 自己密钥# Last step, run it! $ ./


Use this YAML in your workflow file for each job

runs-on: self-hosted